Saturday 24 September 2011

Kelantan Breakfast

Kg Chicha Breakfast Medley

This is a lovely "vegetarian" breakfast for those who prefer some meat and more vegetarian taste. This is more like a Mediterranean dish but I made it at home in Kg Chicha. I made it for breakfast. I have not tasted it anywhere else. This recipe is original and really tastes good. Please try it.

2 large tomatoes (do not use the sour variety)
1 large white/yellow onion (use China/Holland/Belgian onion. Do not use red Bombay onion)
1 cucumber/ 1Cup mushroom (version 1 uses cucumber; version 2 uses frozen mushroom)
1-2 tablespoon ground beef (approx. 2in x 2in frozen ground beef)
1 Tablespoonful chopped spring onion (daun bawang)
<1/2 teaspoonful Oregano (use coarse Oregano, not powdered Oregano; use sparingly)
<1 teaspoonful fine salt (use less if possible)
<1/2 teaspoon powdered white pepper (omit if you are allergic to pepper; use sparingly)
1 Tablespoonful cooking oil
1 teaspoon kicap HABHAL masin (any soy sauce will do)

Wash and slice the tomatoes. Remove all seeds. Chop the tomato slices.
Wash and slice the onion. Chop the onion slices.
Wash and slice cucumber approx 1cm thick. Remove seeds. Chop the cucumber slices. 
OR Thaw and cut up mushroom.
Thaw ground beef in the microwave oven. Don't overcook.
Heat up kuali and add oil.
Fry ground beef till soft and cooked through.
Add chopped onion. Stir to cook till soft, transparent, and light brown.
Add chopped cucumber/mushroom. Stir to cook briefly.
Add salt. Stir.
Add chopped spring onion. Stir.
Add Oregano. Stir.
Add chopped tomatoes. Stir.
Add pepper. Stir.
Add kicap/soy sauce. Stir. [Adjust salt/soy sauce amount or ratio. Use less salt, more soy sauce.]
Switch off stove.
Scoop vegetable medley into a pretty bowl.
Serve hot with fresh hot toast or eat it as is.
Drink hot coffee with milk.
That's the best breakfast!
Bon appetite!

Basic ingredients for filling:

3 big tomatoes and 1 large onion 

1 large white Holland onion (bawang besar warna putih) 

Chopped white onion 

Chopped tomatoes 

Use one third of a ground beef sausage pack

Thaw the ground beef in the microwave oven (don't overcook) 

Dried coarse oregano leaves, white pepper powder, and HABHAL salty soy sauce 

Now decide whether to make v1 (plain filling), or v2 (cucumber) or v3 (mushroom) flavoured filling.

v1 - Plain ground beef filling

Basic ingredients: 1 onion, 2-3 tomatoes, spring onion, celery, a third ground beef 

Basic ground beef filling 

v2 - Cucumber-flavoured filling 

Fry onion first till soft. Add ground beef and cook till tender. Add cucumber. Do not overcook. 

After adding tomatoes 

Colourful, delicious cucumber filling 

v3 - Mushroom-flavoured filling

Frozen mushroom/Kulat putih @RM7.99/kg (12 Sept 2011) 

Fry onion. Fry ground beef. Add tomatoes and mushrooms. Do not overcook. 

Mushroom-flavoured filling 

Saturday 3 September 2011

Cholesterol content of common foods

If you have a choice, would you rather die from heart attack (myocardial infarct/MI or sakit jantung) or stroke (lumpuh)? If you eat high-cholesterol food, then it is more likely that you will die of heart attack. If you eat high-cholesterol & high-fat food, then it is more likely that you will get stroke first and for a few years, before you finally die of heart attack. Do you have a choice? Yes. 

There is a big difference between cholesterol and fat. Both are lipids but they belong to different lipid classes and have different functions, with different outcomes. Both cholesterol and fat are essential (required in nutrition; kena makan). 

Cholesterol is a sterol, a special type of alcohol that is very stable in the body. Cholesterol is stable because it is a steroid, i.e., it contains the "steroid nucleus" - hexagonal rings A, B, C and D. We must eat cholesterol for hormone production and generation of new cells and tissues.

Fat can exist as solid (lemak) or as oil (minyak), depending on temperature (suhu). The scientific name for fat is triacylglycerols, but in medicine we call it triglycerides. Triglycerides contain fatty acids and glycerol. Some fatty acids are essential for life. Without the supply of essential fatty acids in the diet, babies die, children grow up with problems etc etc etc. 

Cholesterol exists in all living cells. There is more cholesterol in animal cells, tissues and organs. Thus, animal products are said to be "high in cholesterol". On the other hand, products of plant origin are said to be "low in cholesterol". There is no such thing as "no cholesterol" if a product is made from living cells, tissues or organs. Sand, paper, cement, concrete, brick, glass, metal charcoal, activated charcoal, wood chips, BBQ blocks and water do not contain cholesterol but we can't eat these. 

Different food have different amount of cholesterol. Food can be grouped as "high-cholesterol", "medium-cholesterol" and "low-cholesterol". It is important to know the cholesterol content of the food we eat. This will help us know what to eat more and what to eat less. For better health, it is healthier to eat less of the dangerously high-cholesterol food and keep to the medium- and low-cholesterol food. If you are already eating lots of high-cholesterol food, then it is high time to make a switch and eat medium-cholesterol food. If you are already taking medium-cholesterol food and yet have health problems, then make a switch and eat low-cholesterol food. 

Having very low cholesterol will make us ugly (tak cantik, tak lawa, tak menawan, buruk macam kayu). We must continue to eat cholesterol for hormone production and generation of new cells and tissues, and to look pretty (cantik manis).

If we avoid all sources of cholesterol (and fat) for a long time, then we get another problem - gallstones (batu karang hempedu). Gallstone is very painful (sakit sebelah kanan). Gallstones are detected by ultrasound scan (pergi hospital dan buat ultrasound). Anyway, most people past age 50, have gallstone problem (ada batu karang hempedu). This manifest as feeling of bloatedness after meals (rasa kembung lepas makan, rasa senak, tak sedap duduk).

Rule #1: Avoid eating excessively high-cholesterol food.

Rule #2: Eat less high-cholesterol food and eat more medium-/low-cholesterol food.

Rule #3: Eat less medium-cholesterol food and eat more low-cholesterol food.

Rule #4: Eat generous amounts of low-cholesterol food for health.

Makanan yang mengandungi tinggi tahap kolesterol
fat red meat (daging, daging berlemak)
organ meat (organ dalaman)
hard cheese (keju keras)
whole milk (susu penuh krim)
whole yoghurt (yogurt penuh krim)
cream (krim)
eggs (telur)
shellfish (kerang)
crab (ketam)
prawns (udang)
lobster (udang galah)
squid (sotong)
chocolate (coklat)
butter (mentega)
lard (minyak babi)
coconut oil
hard margarine 

Red meat (daging warna merah) - "high cholesterol" 

Red meat with fat (daging merah berlemak) - "high cholesterol and high fat" 

Kuah kurma/kormah - "high cholesterol", and "high fat" if ghee (minyak sapi) is used. 

Kerutuk daging - "High cholesterol and high fat" 

Kerutuk daging - "High cholesterol and high fat" 

Kerutuk daging - "High cholesterol and high fat" 

Kerutuk daging - "High cholesterol and high fat" 

Fried beef (daging goreng) - "High cholesterol and high fat" 

Fried beef (daging goreng) - "High cholesterol and high fat" 

Fried beef with soy sauce (daging goreng kicap) - "High cholesterol, high fat and high salt" 

Squids/cuttlefish (sotong) - "High cholesterol" 

Sambal sotong dengan petai - "High cholesterol" 

Udang - "High cholesterol" 

Masak lemak udang - "High cholesterol and high fat" 

Sambal udang - "High cholesterol" 

Eggs (telur): Egg yolks (telur kuning) - "High cholesterol"
1 egg = 250 mg cholesterol.

Omelette (telur dadar) - "High cholesterol" 

Half-boiled eggs (telur masak separuh) - "High cholesterol" 

Half-boiled eggs (telur masak separuh) - "High cholesterol".
Roti sapu marjerin - "High fat" 

Telur puyuh - "High cholesterol" 

lean read meat
soft cheese
egg noodles (Maggi mee)

lean white meat (rabbit, turkey)
cottage cheese
soy milk
skimmed milk
low-fat yoghurt
fresh fruits
rice and other cereals
vegetable oil
olive oil
corn oil
soft margarine

Adapted from an old pamphlet, Know Your Cholesterol, by Boehringer-Mannheim, Germany
Note: This leaflet is published as a service to Family Medicine.

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